Los Banditos Films at the Charity-Celebrity-Paintballtournament
2008-10-28 15:11

Paint against hunger: celebrities are playing Paintball on the Day of Honor at the 01.November 2008 and thus helping children in need, becouse the proceeds from a big tombola are donated to the Lions Club - a Berlin soup kitchen for children.
Besides the bandits and host Dean Dawson popstars, actors und anchormans are playing, amongst others Monrose, Manuel Cortez, athlete Stipo Papic, Tyron Ricketts, singer Akay, Rapsoul-member CJ, Niedrig and Kuhnt-Stars Mischa Filé and Christian Becker, Miss DTM-Tuning 2008/09 Daniela Grimm, rapper Afrob, Hot Banditos-Singer Fernanda, Ali from TC-Concepts Autotuning (RTL "Die Autohändler").
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