Sex, Dogz und Rock'n Roll

Sex, Dogz und Rock'n Roll

Los Banditos' new cult movie Sex Dogz and Rock n Roll is being made in association with Marctropolis. We present the half real/ half animated movie by director Marc Fehse, a feature film unsurpassable regarding coolness and style.


The Killerbees are musicians and gangster. They take the coal out of the fire for "Big Boss" and do his dirty work.  They are supposed to steal a microchip for a missile from the military. An easy job, lots of money.  But this time they are double crossed by their own associates. The raid ends in disaster. Now a merciless hunt begins in order to recollect the tiny controller. Hunted by killers and the rest of the world, there is only one chance for them to fulfill their mission. But the hot chicks, fighting dogs and power obsessed gang leaders will do their utmost to prevent this - because in a world of crime, you never know when the trigger is pulled on you.


Genre: Animation | Action | Crime
Release Date: 18.10.2011
Release Info: DVD, Blu-ray, Real 3D Blu-ray

Direction: Marc Fehse

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Our productions & licensed productions
The Boxer

The Boxer

Genre: Action | Drama | Sport
Release Date: 15.01.2010
Release Info: DVD, Blu-Ray

Direction: Thomas Jahn


The Child's Eye

The Child's Eye

Genre: Horror
Release Date: 06.12.2011
Release Info: DVD, Blu-ray, Real 3D Blu-ray

Director: Oxide Pang ChunDanny Pang


Under Still Waters

Under Still Waters

Genre: Drama
Release Date: 01.12.2011
Release Info: DVD, Blu-ray

Director: Carolyn Miller




Genre: Thriller
Release Date: 18.02.2010
Release Info: DVD

Direction: Robert-Adrian Pejo