Timo Joh. Mayer Direction and production E-Mail: Timo Joh. Mayer mayer@lbfilms.de Benjamin Eicher Direction and Production E-Mail: Benjamin Eicher eicher@lbfilms.de Amir Assadi Assistance of the company management E-Mail: Amir Assadi amir@lbfilms.de Alexander Gensheimer Graphics E-Mail: Alexander Gensheimer alexander@lbfilms.de Stefanos Birbotsukis Graphics E-Mail: Stefanos Birmpotsoukis stefanos@lbfilms.de Tobias Betz Postproduction E-Mail: Tobias Betz tobias.b@lbfilms.de Stefanie Gödicke Production E-Mail: Stefanie Gödicke stefanie@lbfilms.de Stipe Braun Production Freelancer E-Mail: Stipe Braun stipe@lbfilms.de Fabian Barth Freelancer E-Mail: Fabian Barth fabian@lbfilms.de Guido Sonnenberg Photographer Freelancer E-Mail: Guido Sonnenberg guido@lbfilms.de Peter Golovtchiner Junior-producer Freelancer E-Mail: Peter Golovtchiner peter.g@lbfilms.de Marcus Stotz Cinematographer Freelancer E-Mail: Marcus Stotz stotz@lbfilms.de Alexander Schmidt Producer Freelancer E-Mail: Alexander Schmidt schmidt@lbfilms.de Tanja Häring Cinematographer Freelancer E-Mail: Tanja Häring tanja@lbfilms.de Axel Melzener Screenwriter Freelancer E-Mail: Axel Melzener melzener@lbfilms.de